Flood-O, Centennial Park, Moncton, NB
April 30th 2016 12:00pm
Map: Centennial Park
This is the inaugural event of the start of the orienteering season for Orienteering New Brunswick.
The spring flooding of the park is a challenge to the organizers. Fortunately this spring the participants will not be threaten by high waters.
Frainçaise: Communiquer avec Harold McQuade: hm@orienteering.nb.ca
Beginner (2.5 km): The controls will be located along trails and a short distance in the forest.
Intermediate (3.5 - 4.5km): The controls will be located mostly in the forest. The challenge will be route choices.
Advance (5.5km): The controls will be located in the forest. Difficulty - physical and route choices.
Pre-registration is requested to help the organizers print sufficient maps.
Registration: hm@orienteering.nb.ca
Information: Harold McQuade at: hm@orienteering.nb.ca
On site registration:
Lions Den: Located across from the Rotary Lodge.
Start: 11:00am
Category Pre-registration & On-site
Adults ......$15 $18
Juniors (under 20) ......$6 $8
Family Maximum .......$32 $42
Novice Adult (courses 1 & 2) team of 2, $15 for one map, additional maps $5,
Novice Junior (courses 1 & 2) team of 2, $6 for one map, additional maps $5,
Time start Noon.
Whistle (mandatory)
Electronic timing equipment:
A recording device SportsIdent memory stick will be provided by the organizers. If lost a fee of $45 will be charged.
Centennial Park Moncton, NB. Enter the park off St, George Blvd. to the Rotary Lodge and follow the arrows on the orienteering signs (two colour triangle white and orange orienteering signs) to the event onsite registration.