Gunpowder, Treason and Plot VI
November 4th 2017 7:00pm - 8:15pm

Organizer: Rob Hughes (Organizer)
Map: Mactaquac Provincial Park
- Time limit: 75 minutes
- Night event: using reflective control markers
- Score format: collect as many controls as possible in any order within the time limit
Pre-registration is requested to help the organizers prepare sufficient materials. Register by email with the organizer: Event fees will be collected on-site.
Please provide:
- Team or Individual Name
- All team members names/sex/age (for our insurance)
- Club (if a member)
- SportIdent serial number (if available, otherwise one will be provided)
Registration Fees will be collected at the meet site. Pre-registration rates will apply for anyone who registers via this site or by email before midnight November 2. On-site registration available from about 18:00.
Standard | Pre-registered | |
Adults | $20 | $15 |
Juniors (under 20) | $15 | $10 |
Groups | priced per member (e.g. 2 adults in group, pre-registered, total $30) |
(Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To this end a substantial discount is offered for pre-registered participants. Pre-registered participants are also guaranteed a pre-printed map.)
Note about Electronic Timing
SportIdent TM electronic timing equipment is used at all ONB events. Participants who do not have a SportIdentTM device will be provided with one. If the device is lost, there will be a $50 charge to recover the cost of the device.
More Info
The event will proceed regardless of weather, so be prepared on the night and dress appropriately.
There will be hot drinks and snacks available post-race, and war-story sharing around the wood stove in the camp shelter. Maybe even edible prizes, too.
What should I bring?
Wear something comfortable that you don't mind getting a little dirty! You might want to consider a change of shoes and socks. If it's wet outside, you might need a complete change of clothes! It will definitely be dark - bring flashlight and/or head lamp with spare batteries.
Compass, whistle, watch or other timing device, and a working light source(s) are mandatory for this event. Safety whistles will be available for purchase on site if you do not have one.
Head to Mactaquac Provincial Park, approx 20 km W of Fredericton. Enter at the main entrance on hwy 105, then follow signs towards campground and start location. Allow 5 mins for walk from parking to start/registration location.