Rockwood Skate-O
February 17th 2019 12:00pm

Organizer: Steve Heron (Organizer)
Map: Rockwood Park
Don't believe what the groundhog said? Why wait for Sping? Let's get out and frolic in the cold?
Bring your skates to the first ever Winter Orienteering Sprint around the Fisher Lakes in Rockwood Park!
Event Format: Point-to-Point
These are short courses on and around the Fisher Lakes. You will proceed around the course from control to control in the order specified.
- Short: approximately 1-2 km.
- Long: approximately 2-3 km
- Register to Run or Skate!
All controls will be easy. Start/Finish will be at the lake's edge. All controls will be located in/on the Fisher Lakes. 100% accessible on skates!
WARNING: The lake is ICE! Footing may be tricky! Skates, spiked shoes and/or snow creepers are recommended. Watch for thin ice near the bridge and lake edges.
Pre-registration is requested to help the organizers prepare sufficient material. Please pre-register by the Thursday before the event. Register online or by email with the organizer : Race fees will be collected on-site.
Please provide:
- Name
- Club/Group (eg ONB, 1st Saint John Scouts, etc)
- Course
- SportIdent serial number (if available)
Registration Fees will be collected at the meet site. Pre-registration rates will be collected for anyone who registers here or by email. On site registration available from 11:00am.
(Pre-registration for meets is strongly encouraged. Pre-registered participants are also guaranteed a pre-printed map.)
Standard | |
Adults | $5 |
Juniors (under 20) | $5 |
Family Maximum | $20 |
Groups | $5/teammate |
Note about Electronic Timing
SportIdentTM electronic timing equipment is used at all ONB events. Participants who do not have a SportIdentTM device will be provided with one. If the device is lost, there will be a $50 charge to recover the cost of the device.
More Info
What should I bring?
Wear clothing appropriate for moving around in the weather! Skates, spiked shoes and/or ice creepers are suggested!
Compass and whistle are mandatory for all ONB events (whistles may be for sale at registration).
Parking located at the Rockwood Park Stables parking lot.
- Enter at the main Rockwood Park entrance at Lily Lake.
- Proceed to the left at the duck pond
- Pass the Interpretation Center and RV campground.
- Park in the Rockwood Park Stables parking lot.
Follow signs along road to the Start/Finish on the edge of Fisher Lakes.