Rockwood Fun Skate-O
February 15th 2020 12:00pm

Organizer: Steve Heron (Organizer)
This event depends on the weather. If the weather (or the ice) is bad, this will be re-scheduled for the next day, Sunday, February 16, 2020. Watch this spot for last-minute updates!
Don't believe the groundhog? Why wait for Spring? Let's get out and frolic in the cold?
Bring your skates to a Winter Orienteering Sprint around the Fisher Lakes in Rockwood Park!
(Note: Skates are optional! It's fun to "run" too!)
WARNING: The lake is ICE! Footing may be tricky! Skates, spiked shoes and/or snow creepers are recommended. Watch for thin ice near the bridge and lake edges.
Event Format: Point-to-Point
These are short courses on and around the Fisher Lakes. You will proceed around the course from control to control in the order specified.
- Shorter: approximately 1-2 km.
- Longer: approximately 2-3 km
- Register to Run or Skate!
All controls will be easy. Start/Finish will be at the lake's edge. All controls will be located in/on the Fisher Lakes. 100% accessible on skates!
Pre-registration is requested to help the organizers prepare sufficient material. Please pre-register by the Thursday before the event. Register online or by email with the organizer : Race fees will be collected on-site.
Please provide:
- Name
- Club/Group (eg ONB, 1st Saint John Scouts, etc)
- Course
- SportIdent serial number (if available)
Registration Fees will be collected at the meet site. Pre-registration rates will be collected for anyone who registers here or by email. On site registration available from 11:00am.
(Pre-registration for meets is strongly encouraged. Pre-registered participants are also guaranteed a pre-printed map.)
Standard | |
Adults | $5 |
Juniors (under 20) | $5 |
Family Maximum | $20 |
Groups | $5/teammate |
Note about Electronic Timing
SportIdentTM electronic timing equipment is used at all ONB events. Participants who do not have a SportIdentTM device will be provided with one. If the device is lost, there will be a $50 charge to recover the cost of the device.
More Info
What should I bring?
Wear clothing appropriate for moving around in the weather! Skates, spiked shoes and/or ice creepers are suggested!
Parking located at the Rockwood Park Stables parking lot.
- Enter at the main Rockwood Park entrance at Lily Lake.
- Proceed to the left at the duck pond
- Pass the Interpretation Center and RV campground.
- Park in the Rockwood Park Stables parking lot.
Follow signs along road to the Start/Finish on the edge of Fisher Lakes.